Judith SpruzsHealth & WellnessHeard of a DEXA scan? Read on to learn more about bone health in midlife.Bones are a dynamic living organ that turn over all the time. A small piece of bone takes between 3 to 9 months to turn over completely...
Two Women ChattingHealth & WellnessPharmacy First: What You Need to Know about the new NHS England SchemePharmacy First-Â well basically it is what it says on the tin! The NHS England scheme is to encourage people to visit their pharmacists...
Sophie AttwoodCareers & PurposeI’m a PR expert - these five things you MUST do to make sure your business doesn’t failPR Expert Sophie Atwood offers 5 tips to make sure your business doesn't fail.
Two Women ChattingHome & FamilyTop tips for when adult kids move back homeSome tips for a smooth transition when adult kids move back home. From setting boundaries to fostering independence.
Two Women ChattingHealth & WellnessThe Obesity Crisis - who is responsible for the nation piling on the pounds? by Michelle FordCould obesity cause the next pandemic? Rates have doubled in the last six years, positioning the UK as the heaviest nation in Europe.
Colin HallCareers & PurposeSo, you want to start a business (Part 3)? In this latest series of blogs we discuss the reluctant entrepreneur who is starting a business not necessarily through their own choice.