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  • Writer's pictureTeri Mcgilbert

I’ve been sober 3.5 years and it has been the best decision I’ve ever made!

Teri Macgilbert, Founder of SassySober Mum summarises her sober journey

I am a binge drinker
Terr MacGilbert

I started drinking at 14. Since then, I became a regular binge drinker for 27 years. Initially it was drinking out with friends but at some point in my 20’s it became drinking at home to relax on my own. In my thirties, I drank five nights a week and every holiday. One bottle would often become two and I’d occasionally try to cut down. I knew drinking heavily wasn’t good for me and after my children came along it got harder to manage the constant hangovers. I planned my life around drinking. I obsessed about when and what I would drink and making sure I had enough wine in the house. I set dozens of rules for myself in an attempt to moderate, but it never lasted long. It consumed me emotionally. I was functioning at 50% and I hated the feeling of not knowing if next time I would go too far. At 41, after another heavy night out drinking with girlfriends, I woke up broken and full of anxiety. I decided on that day to quit. I quit by making a plan for myself which included books, podcasts, walking, distracting myself during trigger moments and free online social media groups. I have removed the desire for alcohol. I worked on breaking down my false beliefs and rebuilding my life around truth and facts. Alcohol didn’t add anything to my life, it only took. I’d never want to numb my true feelings now, even the not so nice ones. I’m so much happier and healthier now. I’m free.

I now try to show others how to make changes to their relationship with alcohol through my podcast and Instagram account @sassysobermum.

Listen to Teri's podcast 'Sober Stories from Everyday People' and the Two Women Chatting episode Cheers to Sobriety to hear insights and tips on alcohol free living.

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